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For The 21st Century

Turn Your Flat Roof into an Eco-Friendly Green Roof

Your flat roof can be much more than a functional space. You can bring it to life as a Green Roof – with its own grass, plants and shrubs growing over the waterproof layer.

It’s easy to see why Green Roofs have become so popular. They’re a great way to expand your garden, with green space on a raised level. And if your roof is in a town or city centre, they’re a small private escape from the pressures of modern life.

They’re also good for the environment, and encourage wildlife back into your garden.

And better still, they act as a natural insulator. So heat won’t escape from the space below – as you’ll see from your low fuel bills

Sedum or Grasses…which is right for you?

There’s more than one kind of Green Roof – the most popular being Sedum (aka “Extensive”) and Grasses (“Intensive”). So if you’re thinking of adding one, the first question is – which type?

The Grasses (Intensive) Roof

 This will be a better choice for you if you’ve got itchy green fingers – and enough time on your hands to maintain the lawns and shrubs. You’ll also need a higher budget, as this roof is a more complex installation – possibly needing its own irrigation system.

Still, if time and money are no object, this will be a wonderful green outdoor space that will bring you years of enjoyment.

It all comes down to personal choice. So when we carry out your survey, we’ll go through all the practicalities and help you plan your next move.

The Sedum (Extensive) Green Roof

This is the most popular choice, as it’s cheap to install and easy to maintain. It’s relatively light too, so it can be installed on lower weight bearing structures – often, no strengthening needed.

There is a downside, though. It’s only for aesthetics, so you can’t walk on it or use it as an outdoor space. If that’s a deal breaker, you should look at the alternative.

Sedum Green Roof


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