Waterproofing Systems Designed
For The 21st Century

Find Out Why Kevin An Experienced Local Builder Choose Proactive Flat Roofing Solutions For His Own Dream Home

Kevin Gibbs is a third generation local builder with multiple house builds under his belt and a dislike of any kind of flat roof! When he was forced by a planning decision to have a flat roof on his own home you better believe he did some significant research. The result made him very happy with the advice, service and the outcome.

Kevin Gibbs, Local Builder, Taunton, Somerset

01784 730640

As a building contractor, you’ve probably worked with dozens of flat roofers. So you’ll know, quality standards and service levels vary – dramatically.

No doubt, you’ve had to deal with:

  • Lazy roofers who show up late on site and slope off early?
  • Jobbing roofers, who get it done but need micro managing?
  • Maybe even the odd cowboy, who botched the roof and sent you off schedule?

Maddening, isn’t it?

Because every error…every delay…every compromise…extends your hours. Shrinks your budget. And puts your good name at risk.

We understand – there’s a lot at stake when you sub out flat roofing work. So we’ve designed our service to take all those risks away – leaving you to manage the project, without the usual stresses.

Where will you see the difference?

From the moment we meet you to discuss your project, you’ll see a fresh approach:

Design: we’ll work with you, your client or architect to create a detailed spec for the roof. Most flat roofs that fail come unstuck at the design stage, so we’ll make sure the waterproofing, timbers, insulation and fixings are all correctly specified – and planned into the build.

Scheduling: we meet our deadlines. We know how even short delays can knock a whole project off balance, so there’ll be no disruptions when you work with us. Often, we work extended hours to get ahead of schedule. And by fitting PVC Single-Ply, we can work in most weathers. It will take a snow storm or lightning bolt to get us off the roof.

Ownership: we don’t just show up and go through the motions. We’re called “Proactive” because we plan ahead, and look at the bigger picture – taking full responsibility for the roof. We’ll even manage follow-on trades, if you need a balcony, terrace or green roof. Think of us as your flat roofing partner, with full accountability.

Quality: yes, it’s easy to claim we work to a higher standard. But our clients will tell you, we’re thorough to the point of obsession. We cover every eventuality…test everything before we move from phase to phase…protecting every roof against every problem we’ve seen over decades in the industry.

And for added peace of mind…

When you work with us, we’re your installer AND manufacturer

Ask us about Vanguard: our own PVC Single-Ply system, that we manufacture to our own spec – then customise for your roof in our UK finishing workshops.

You know how it is. When one company supplies the roof, and another fits it…there’s always that risk that they’ll blame each other if there’s a problem. So you leave yourself open to delays – and your client to financial losses.

Vanguard takes that risk away. The buck stops with us.

If that’s what you want from a flat roofing partner, we should talk – before your project begins.

It starts with Sending Us Your Plans

Get in touch and share your plans, or tell us about the project. We’ll ask questions, touch base with your architect, make our recommendations…then give you all the numbers you need before you commit to the next step.

There’s no charge for this, and no obligation. That’s how we work.

01784 730640

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Secure, Stylish Flat Roof

Discover the truth about waterproofing, insulation, fitting… and the hidden problem with guarantees. Your pack includes;

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The Difference with Proactive

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