Waterproofing Systems Designed
For The 21st Century

Replacing an Existing Flat Roof

Your Old Flat Roof Won’t Last Forever – But How Do You Know if it’s Time to Replace?

It’s a common question:

“How do I know when my old flat roof has had its day?”

And let’s be honest – it’s not easy to get a straight answer.

Ask a cobbler if you need new shoes, and he’s bound to say “YES!” – so if your roof can hold for a few more years, can you trust a roofer to tell you so?

Well, it depends on who you speak to.

The rogue traders and cowboys who give flat roofing a bad name will happily rip out a roof that could have been repaired – and leave you with a flimsy replacement that will almost certainly fail within 5-10 years (if not sooner).

Talk to a reputable roofer though, and you should get the true story:

• What’s wrong with the roof?
• Can it be repaired?
• How long will it last?
• And what will happen if the problem goes untreated?

Certainly, that’s how we work at Proactive Flat Roofing – going above and beyond the ethical standards set down by the industry to make sure you take the next step with both eyes open.

01784 730640

So does your flat roof need attention?

Flat roofing problems can fester for years before there’s a visible sign, like leaking water. So by the time you notice, the problem could be well-advanced. You might find the water has been rotting the structural deck, doing irreversible damage.

In other words, a small sign could point to serious risk.

…Condensation is clogging up the windows. …The space below the roof is cold, even when you hike up the heating. Let us take a look at the roof right now, before it gets out of hand.

It starts with a free survey

Flat Roof Survey

One of our flat roofing experts will take a look at the roof, inside and out. They’ll check the structural deck, insulation and waterproofing layer to find the cause of the problem – then write up a report that sets out your options clearly, in plain English.

Repaired Flat Roof

If we can repair it, and extend its life for a few years, we’ll tell you so – and give you a timescale for replacement, so you can plan it into your budget.

Repaired Flat Roof That Needs Replacing
But if a repair won’t last, replacement is your best option. There’s no point going to extra expense, just to delay things by a month or two.

What gets replaced?

New Flat Roof That Has Been Replaced
If your flat roof is structurally sound, we can simply add a new waterproofing top layer. We can do this with PVC Single-Ply, because it’s rigid enough to overlay without losing its shape. And, unlike other waterproofing systems, it expels any moisture that gets trapped below the membrane. Leaving the underside dry, and posing no threat to the roof deck. This option is ideal for most customers, as it saves a lot of time and expense without compromising on quality or appearance.
Flat Roof Being Replaced
If the problem runs deeper though, and the deck is vulnerable, we’ll dismantle the whole roof and rebuild before we add the waterproofing top layer. Hopefully, your roof won’t need this more elaborate option – but we won’t know until we assess it.


The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Secure, Stylish Flat Roof

Discover the truth about waterproofing, insulation, fitting… and the hidden problem with guarantees. Your pack includes;

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